Thursday, February 07, 2013

Mastery of Ed Jargon - Blended Classes

As we move inexorably from one ed paradigm to another, jargon rears its ugly head. In an environment that is in flux, the problems caused by jargon are even more acute - some people (most, the author is sure) already know the term. But many do not and can be easily lost.

To that end (and to educate myself!) I’ll be blogging about ed terms we think we know but might not.

Today’s term is Blended Classes.

There is a great, quick, clear description of this term here:

”The goal of a blended approach is to join the best aspects of both face to face and online instruction. Classroom time can be used to engage students in advanced interactive experiences. Meanwhile, the online portion of the course can provide students with multimedia-rich content at any time of day, anywhere the student has internet access, from Penn State computer labs, the coffee shop, or the students’ homes. This allows for an increase in scheduling flexibility for students.”

In my classes, I separate concrete skills (draw a box on the page) from more abstract skills (how can I make text flow down the page the way I want?) The former goes into the online, step by step instructions, and the latter is saved for instructor/student interactions.

See a sample of my take on this kind of eLearning here

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