Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Lust vs Love

Her body, he had to admit, was strangling him. He watched her move, out of the corner of his eye, and burned like hard coal.

He watched her move, sturdy as a lumberjack, stepping across the carpet then on towards the kitchen counter, only gently aware that she was, somehow, administering perfect medicine.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Big, Big Announcement

And now for a big announcement!

My novel "The Mostly Honest History of the City of God, Texas" has just become available for the Kindle and Mobipocket ebook readers!

The novel centers around Sonny Stevens, a modern day Texas farmer who has been hopin' for rain for quite some time. His way of coping with the stress of this lack of support from the heavens? Well, let's just say it's unique.

The novel sports the goings on of a host of wacky characters, from the beautiful pie baking of Maybell and Shirley to the testosterone-challenged Johansson place (having been blessed with twelve girls and not a single boy!) to the dirty financial dealings of Baron John.

The novel is funny, touching and if you're not careful, you might learn a little something, too!

So, you're asking yourself, how can I pick up a copy of this wonderful object?

If you have an Kindle, just go to the store and search for my name, "Will Woodard". The novel will pop up in the search screen.

You can also read the book on your laptop using the free Mobipocket reader. Here's how to set that up:

1. From an internet browser, go to
2. In the “Mobipocket Reader Desktop 6.2” section click on the Download button.
3. Save the file to your hard drive and run it.
4. Follow the directions in the Mobipocket Reader 6.2 Setup Wizard.
5. After it has installed, run the Mobipocket reader software.
6. The first time you run it, it will tell you there are no books to read. That's sad! To fix that terrible problem, click on “Go to ebook store”.
7. In the search box in the top right of the screen, type “Will Woodard” and hit enter.
8. You will see a picture of the cover of the novel. Double click on it and follow the instructions to purchase it.

I hope you enjoy the read. If you like it, tell a friend!
Thanks for your support and don't forget - Always pray for rain!