Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Artz Ribs

Enter. Order. Beef ribs, please. Chew, slow motion...

My teeth push through the solid, charred flesh, well supported by a foundation of bone. The odor works its dark magic and my intellect vanishes, unneccessary baggage. The intimate presence of flesh done in by fire and smoke breaks me apart, makes me a Neanderthal, full of joy at the wild nourisment provided by the spoils of a finally successful hunt.

...pay. Leave. Sunshine. Back into the real world once again.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Shady Grove

Shady Grove near Barton Springs in Austin, Texas. Have you ever eaten there? I look across the table, over the years, and see Debbie's heartbreakingly beautiful, never-failing smile mostly, but one or two other friends also from college days, warm memories, too. The air is dense and warm, often too warm, but that's okay - this is Texas after all, and we've long since decided we'll put our efforts into believing we're used to it. The tables are filled with comfortable, aging hippie city-fied farmer types, people who deep in thier hearts find things to admire in Willie Nelson.

Cadillac chili is what it's called on the menu, and it stings a little as it goes down.

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Location:Austin, TX